
The tradition of plaster works of art is ancient. They are fragile, fundamental, pure. When a new sculptural direction is rattling me I will sometimes go to direct plaster to find my way.

The plaster masks began with a requiem to a four year old whose life ended far too soon but whose spirit endured to inspire many of us. The elusive plaster surfaces represent a struggle to capture something that exists between the margins, a link that crosses between our constructed reality and what  our imaginations reveal beneath or beyond. 

I am invoking a poetry of each unique individual as they experience the universals of life. I aim at a softness that portrays the human existence as changeable, malleable, in flux,  with hints of a specificity that demand the viewer complete the stories of the images with their own interpretation.  Therefore they are often created by essentially undoing a completed piece, by manipulating a negative mold and unmasking some greater truth.